Thursday, August 27, 2009

scale 1

I did a rough drawing for the scale of objects and some furniture...
Will be posting more soon.

Any suggestions on the size? Like certain objects to be bigger than others...

Leave your comments here if any. =)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Hey people, just a note. I'll be posting my sketches along with the photo references for you to model from soon, so please wait for awhile.

For Yilyn.
Here's the outline for the living room. Have fun XD.
And also here's a sample of how I painted the buildings. BTW I found out why sometimes when we post our pics the colour is off. In photoshop you have to make sure that the colour mode is RGB, not CMYK.


For Naj.
here's the character sheets for the postman and the poltergeist. I'll have more later on.Please redraw all neatly in your style and do the final paintings (for the characters) with texture

Also, for those doing character sheets, don't forget to do ortho for the face and for naked characters.


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

a more stylized version. just to test different shapes.


portrait test model. wad do u guys think? too realistic? if it is let me know. can always change it. :) still working on the texturing as got shadow problem..


Monday, August 10, 2009

editing for animatics

Yo peeps... sorry for the super late post! =D
Internetz failure.

This is in order of what Aik Sern said.

- Scene 1, zoom in straight to the fish. Don't have to curve the camera angle.
- Sword flying scene, make the sword rotate.
- Hand part, slower (ok, i think this is the part where the guy goes 'nooooo' when the sword is flying through the air)
- When guy walks up to lamp room, camera static. and guy walks out of frame.
- Flip image of ghost throwing book. This part coz of the position of the ghost i think. So that it corresponds to the image of the book hitting him.
- Annoyed expression of ghost (because the guy don't know how to turn on the lamp)
- Cut straight into guy's face. Don't need him to pop up when light is turned on.
- Guy going down part, fade off.
- When in living room, need to show him taking of cap or something. An indication that he can chill edi.
- Insert shot of ghost coming down with expression.
- When dagger dissolve, it goes upwards.
- Don't need ghost to walk into frame to comfort the guy.
- Errr... then theres a leg shot, i'm not sure where. But you have to flip the image as well.
- Camera static, don't need zoom and the guy is sad when he realise the chicken is gone.
- Don't need the cleaning scene, go straight to box.


Wooh. Extra reminders.

For the slides, we need a horizontal layout for the pages. So if free, design by Thursday.
Next, LOGO!!! by Thursday too.

Now i shall die drawing the whole storyboard. Muahahha.
Sticks rock!!! (for those who know) =D

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Monday, August 3, 2009


Hope you guys can view it. If not, note me.
