Yo peeps... sorry for the super late post! =D
Internetz failure.
This is in order of what Aik Sern said.
- Scene 1, zoom in straight to the fish. Don't have to curve the camera angle.
- Sword flying scene, make the sword rotate.
- Hand part, slower (ok, i think this is the part where the guy goes 'nooooo' when the sword is flying through the air)
- When guy walks up to lamp room, camera static. and guy walks out of frame.
- Flip image of ghost throwing book. This part coz of the position of the ghost i think. So that it corresponds to the image of the book hitting him.
- Annoyed expression of ghost (because the guy don't know how to turn on the lamp)
- Cut straight into guy's face. Don't need him to pop up when light is turned on.
- Guy going down part, fade off.
- When in living room, need to show him taking of cap or something. An indication that he can chill edi.
- Insert shot of ghost coming down with expression.
- When dagger dissolve, it goes upwards.
- Don't need ghost to walk into frame to comfort the guy.
- Errr... then theres a leg shot, i'm not sure where. But you have to flip the image as well.
- Camera static, don't need zoom and the guy is sad when he realise the chicken is gone.
- Don't need the cleaning scene, go straight to box.
Wooh. Extra reminders.
For the slides, we need a horizontal layout for the pages. So if free, design by Thursday.
Next, LOGO!!! by Thursday too.
Now i shall die drawing the whole storyboard. Muahahha.
Sticks rock!!! (for those who know) =D